
时间:2018/6/13 9:56:04 来源:江宁区谷里中心小学 字体显示:大 中小 阅读:1237次

4B unit7 whats the matter?

Step 1  before reading

1. free talk  how are you ?  

2. PPT示一个男孩女孩 how are they? Lets enjoy a song about them.

How are they? They are  引出 单词 hungry thirsty.

3. we know hungry and thirsty. They are feelings yes ? today lets talk about feelings. What else? 头脑风暴

引出单词 ill   tired

4. look and say

 look , the boy want a hamburger.  Whats the matter?  Hes   

  复习单词 hungry ill tired thirsty

5. lets act

示道具框  I can act. Look at me ! 师演打哈欠

Guess, pleas. miss chen, are you .?

Its your turn. 一生表演,其余学生猜。Can you help him? Here’s a  for you .

Step 2 while reading

1. look , Liu Tao comes here. Is he happy ?

whats the matter ? 引出课题

what's the matter with Liu Tao? Maybe he is hungry. What do you think? 生猜

lets watch the cartoon about Liu Tao. But no words, no sound. Heres a tip.看哑剧

2. whats the matter with Liu Tao?

How do you know that? Act as LT.

Really ? lets watch the cartoon again and check.  再看一遍动画,有声音的

Goodyouve got the right answer.

3. listen and tick

4. time to read 逐幅图朗读

5. open your books read after the tape ,逐句跟读,再齐读

6. dub the story.

7. this is the story of Liu Tao . do you know the story now? let me check. Fill in the blanks.

8. show time

step 3 after reading

1. today we learn the story of LT. and we learn some new words and sentences. Now close your eyes. Think it over. What have we learnd today ?

where can we say these words and sentences? Discuss in two.


Great. Can you act it out ?

Now make a new dialogue .work in two and act it out .

2. homework




whats the matter ?


                          thirsty          have some water

      Liu Tao人物图        tired           go to bed




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