
时间:2018/1/18 13:08:53 来源:江宁区谷里中心小学 字体显示:大 中小 阅读:1126次

一、集体备课内容:三年级Unit4 My family第一课时





Teaching contents  教学内容

Story time  


Teaching aims and learning objectives  教学目标

1. 能听懂、会读、会说father, mother, brother, sister, me, family

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语This is …

3. 能正确地理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。

4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语介绍家庭成员。


Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty  教学重点和难点




Teaching aids  教学准备(含板书设计)




Teaching procedures  教学过程

Step 1 Greeting & Warm up

1. Greeting

2. I can say

T: Who is this?

S: This is... 

【设计意图:通过卡通人物图像引起学生兴趣,复习This is...句型。】

Step 2 Story time

1. Lets listen

T: This is my friend,she is Amy,she likes singing!Listen!

S: 视频

T: Do you like it?

S: Yes.

T: What’s the song about?

S: Family.

T: Yes. It’s about family.


  T: Today well learn Unit4 My family.


2.Look and think(PPT出示Mike一家人的照片)

TLook at these photos,try to think:Whose family is this?(出示人物选项)



3.Watch and answer

T: Do you want to konw more about Mikes family?Lets watch cartoon and answer this question.

S: (看视频)

T: How many people are there in Mikes family?


S: 5.

4.Listen and answer

T: Who are they?.

(PPT 呈现单词fathermotherbrothersister、me,并教读)

S: (开火车跟读)

5.I can find

T: Now,who knows Mikes brother and sisters names?Lets read the text quckly and circle their names. 

S: (圈名字)

T: So Mikes brother is____.

     Mike;s sister is______.

S: Tim and Helen.

T: Now, do you know Mike’s family?


6.I can read

T: Now let’s read after tape.


T: This time,lets read in group of 6,choose your favourite way to read the story,you have 2 minutes to prepare.


T:Now lets read the story together.



7.I can act

  T:Can you be Mike?

S: (个人朗读或脱离书本介绍)

T:This time,please take out your family photos,try to introduce your family to us!

S:This is my … She’s my  He’s my 介绍


Step 3 Enjoy the song

1. Watch the video

T: Here is a video about family. Let’s watch it.

(播放公益广告Father and Mother I Love You)

T: Father and Mother I Love You. The beginning letters make the word “family”.






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